Public Sociology Writings, Publications 10 Jul 2023 Mobilizing Equal Employment Rights: The Social and Political Determinants of Discrimination Complaints (2009–2018) in Sociological Quarterly ABSTRACT This article explores the regional and national determinants of workplace discrimination complaints across the US states from 2009–2018. Drawing… Masoud Movahed
Public Sociology Writings, Publications 07 Jul 2023 Industrializing an Oil-Based Economy: Evidence from Iran’s Auto Industry ,Journal of International Development, June 2020, Two theoretical paradigms namely, the ‘resource curse’ and ‘developmental state’ would predict that industrial development in countries with abundance of… Masoud Movahed
Public Sociology Writings, Publications 04 Jul 2023 ”Erik Olin Wright (1947-2019),” Erik Olin Wright was a distinguished sociologist and, from 2011 to 2012, president of the American Sociological Association. He died… Masoud Movahed